The corporate consulting boutique Because we care to assist YOU in developing YOUR business


  • established in 2007, Birifin offers professional consulting services for general management, finance and control, auditing, legal issues;

  • is a meeting point for professionals with years of experience, able to operate effectively in different business sectors, both traditional, such real estate, tourism, food and beverage, and innovative, such ICT, renewable energies, e-health and more;

  • supports entrepreneurs at the delicate start-up phase or, in case of consolidated firms, for the specific actions for business development, in order to increase profitability or to manage special business opportunities;

  • supports small and medium enterprises for localization in Italy or abroad.


Business development and Corporate strategy

  • Strategy assesment. Preliminary evaluation of business opportunity, with focus on technical feasibility and financial sustainability.
  • Business evaluation. General assessment of business opportunity. Management of working groups through analysis of the different aspects: business, accounting, legal and fiscal.
  • Partnership design. Scouting for strategic partners, management of the first approach and negotiation of key points of the partnership.
  • Deal shaping. Negotiation of the deal in terms of corporate governance.
  • Support for Closing. Contract negotiation and closing up, including management services for any contact with professionals working for the counterpart.
  • Support for Start-up. Advisory and support for all preliminary activities for company filiing

Corporate finance (M&A)

  • Scouting: research of target companies for mergers or acquisitions
  • Corporate evaluation: corporate analysis and evaluation, using the most appropriate professional techniques and methods according to the needs of the specific deal (asset methods, income methods, comparable analysis; discounted cash flows).
  • Deal Structuring: setting the financial structure of a deal (acquisition or start-up), identifying the best debt/equity ratio to maximize the return on investment (ROI).
  • Due Diligence: investigation and analisys of data and information regarding the target company under different aspects: accounting, fiscal and legal.
  • Negotiation and institutional relationships: negotiation activities with counterparts, presentation of the business opportunity to financial institutions for debt financing.

Legal and general affairs

In this area, BIRIFIN can operate with a generic approach, supporting the company on a continuous mode, or focusing on particular issues for a defined time.
Continuous Support
  • Business law.
  • Support for civil litigation (including: firm, company, intellectual rights, brand, logo etc.), and fiscal litigation.
  • Corporate compliance.
  • Corporate secretary. Particularly: advisory for company books keeping, board of directors/shareholders meetings, minutes of meetings.
  • Financial grants management
Targeted Support
  • Contract: drafting and/or revising of business contracts.
  • Drafting of memorandum of understanding, investment contracts, shareholders’ agreement.
  • Advisory and support for Alternative Dispute Resolution of civil litigation (arbitration included).
  • Advisory and support for fiscal litigation.
  • Out-of-Court handling of credit recovery.
  • Advisory for directors and auditors about civil and criminal responsibility regarding their professional activities.
  • Advisory for the analysis, drafting and revision of Organisational Model pursuant to Law Decree 231/01.
  • Financial grants: support for drafting of grants request

Administration, Finance and Control (AFC)

  • Definition of the controlling/reporting system and procedures or, if existing, assessment of the current ones.
  • Fine tuning of current controlling/reporting activities:
 – about sales:
  • prospecting
  • isuued proposals
  • sales
  • invoicing
– about profitability of ordinary operations:
  • assessment of resources allocation and performance
  • work in progress
  • profitability check of the job order
  • costs/revenues budgeting


– about invoicing and collections process


  • Planning and implementation of cash budgeting and reporting.

Support for Cash management

Maurizio Nardi

Manlio Nardi

Eduardo Guarente

Bruno Franceschetti

Carlo Bottino


Maurizio Nardi

Manlio Nardi

Eduardo Guarente

Bruno Franceschetti

Carlo Bottino


BIRIFIN is in Italy in Milan, Rome, Naples and Bolzano and has strong and long-standing relationships with professional partners in 5 countries 

Regno Unito


Federazione Russa

Stati Uniti d’America


Regno Unito


Federazione Russa

Stati Uniti d’America



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Rinviato il termine per l’approvazione dei bilanci.

Tra le tante misure previste dal decreto Cura Italia, anche il rinvio di due mesi dei termini per la convocazione delle assemblee societarie per l'approvazione dei bilanci 2019. Tutte le società di capitali potranno quindi convocare l’assemblea ordinaria entro 180...

Continuano a crescere i numeri della telemedicina HTN nella Farmacia dei Servizi.

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The taxation of foreign pension funds and retirement plan for the expats in Italy

The case in which an expat resident in Italy receives a lump sum or an annuity from a pension fund or a foreign insurance company ( e.g. Traditional and ROTH IRA in U.s., Register retirement Saving plan in Canada) is now widespread. However, it is not easy to...

How to buy your dream house in Italy

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Energie rinnovabili






Renewable energies

Real estate


Food and beverage




Birifin Srl

Viale Bligny 27 20136 – Milano

+39 02 5831 1798

+39 02 5831 1798

Birifin Srl

Birifin Srl

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